Burundi Ingoma

It’s finally happening—an adventure that’s been years in the making.

I’ll be visiting a place that’s been on my radar for such a long time, one that nearly happened two years ago.

This one is going to take me to a country full of some pretty tall statistical extremes when it comes to things like hunger and insecurity. This part of the map has been in a lot of headlines this week… and not for especially great reasons.

However, you and I know that those numbers and headlines tell a reductive version of the story and that there’s always a lot more… more that you can’t really start to grasp without some proximity.

It’s harder to reduce people into a simple statistic when you’re up close. And that’s why I’ve been wanting to make this trip happen for years.

In the meantime- I look forward to being more unplugged for the next few weeks. Partly for the really practical reason that internet is no guarantee where I’m heading, but also because I anticipate seeing a lot, having a lot to process, and I definitely don’t want to rush the stories I’ll have to tell.

Plus I’ve spent quite a bit of time in virtual spaces lately, doing planning and strategy and looking ahead at further down the road. Looking forward to more time on actual roads, feet in the dirt, head in the moment to take it in. And you bet I’ll be back with the stories to tell.