Gama the Great

More like Gama the GOAT. It’s amazing how you can spend a whole lifetime keeping up with something like sports and still only know a sliver of what’s out there.

I only recently learned about The Great Gama. I know it’s always tough sorting out the legends of sports when they go back over a century but this guy could make a pretty good case for being our world’s all time best athlete.

Gama the Great was:

💪🏽 A wrestler from Kashmir
💪🏽 Pro by the age of 10, and India’s heavyweight champ by 1910
💪🏽 An undefeated 5000-0 between 1890 and 1950-something, a whole 60 years
💪🏽 Winner over American wrestler Doc Roller and beat legend Stanislaus Zbysko bad enough to be refused a rematch
💪🏽 A daily consumer of 10 liters of milk and 6 chickens, inspiring Bruce Lee’s diet

Supposedly his greatest feat was preventing a massacre during India’s partition by standing up to an armed group’s leader.